
"...But it ain't about how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward."

Sylvester Stallone no filme Rocky Balboa (2006)

Academic Projects

Professional Projects

Technical Abilities







Who am I?

Ricardo Caselati

Ricardo Caselati is from São Paulo-SP, currently residing in Maringá-PR. He is Brazilian graduated in Social Communication - Habilitation in Radio, TV and Video from FIAMFAAM - FMU. Passionate about communication, technology and always very curious to know how "things work", in 2020 he decided to combine his knowledge of communication with technology by founding the RCX Agency (name registered in 2021), with the intention of helping owners, small and medium size companies to stand out in the digital environment. At this moment, a new passion arises, programming.

Thus, in 2021, Ricardo Caselati participated in the Trybe selection process with more than 18 thousand participants and finally in 2022 he is selected for class 22 of the Web Programming course.

Talk to me

Contact me! It will be a pleasure to speak with you!
